Friday, February 5, 2010

Perhaps the Worst Idea in the History of Bad Ideas

I am about to do the stupidest thing I have ever done. As soon as this post is finished, I'm going upstairs to paint the girls bedroom and their bathroom. And I'm taking the runts upstairs with me.

I know.

The answer is, you're right. I do have no idea what the hell I am in for. And yes, I am in fact, clinically insane. If you were unable to come to this conclusion before this, I would suggest you seek counseling yourself.

But I figure what the heck. It's been a while since "Dad Has Two Heart Attacks", and I'm feeling immune to disaster again. What's the worst that could happen?

See you all in later.

Or, I'll see you all in the asylum.


  1. So I have just started following this blog and I must admit that I am a bit disturbed by the so called nickname you have given to your oldest child. "The Eldest" I must protest one of your previous posts stated that she did not have a nickname. I have been calling that kid "Haggis" for many, many years. I request that this nickname be changed immediatly or I may just discontinue my viewing. K.

  2. Asylum? Is it peaceful there? Can I join you?
    Love your posts and writing :)
