Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Open Fatdaddy's Mouth, Insert Fatdaddy's feet...

I was talking on the phone last night with my mother. We were discussing today's basketball game that the Eldest will be playing in and mom said it was a good thing that the Eldest seemed to have gotten her Grandpa's athlete genes and not hers because she was the only person in the history of the church who was so uncoordinated that she was asked NOT to play ward ball.

I told the Eldest, who as usual was trying to eavesdrop and she wondered out loud if Grandma might be putting her on. "Nope", said grandma. "It's a true story".

I, for one, have never heard this story and am frankly interested in doing so. If ever there was material for a humor filled post, that would be it.

"That may be", I told my mother, "But there aren't many people who have read as much and write as well as you do. We all have our talents."

My mother kindly complimented me saying that I wrote well myself.

"But you taught me everything I know, and it is possible only for man to equal his creator, he cannot surpass her."

Mom laughed and we hung up. A few minutes later, the Eldest made some lame attempt at a joke. "Har, Har." I said.

"Why don't you ever laugh at MY jokes?" she asked me playfully.

"Cause you're not funny, just funny looking" I replied.

"But why do I get in trouble for being a smart alec, but you get to wise off all the time?" she asked.

"Because I'm better at it than you." I said. (I should have left it there, but I couldn't help adding one of those "Dad" comments that I use to annoy her, so I continued...)

"Besides, has it ever occurred to you that I might want you to grow up a little smarter and better than your Old Man?"

****Editor's Note
There are times when having a child with really excellent communication skills and a sharp intellect can be a real downer. This would be one of those times.

"But Dad", she smirked slyly, "I can only hope to equal my creator, I cannot surpass him."

If she's lucky, she'll get out of "time-out" just in time for menopause.

Remind me again why I'm bald?

1 comment:

  1. Oh father of girl children, you should consult the father of 6 wise-acre, well-spoken girl children...He won't give you any sympathy at all!
    (Good one, Eldest!)
