Saturday, March 27, 2010

Unforseen Events

While Squizzle was busy peeing on my leg, Kentucky was doing the same to my bracket. What a bunch of L7 weeeee-nieeeeees!

That was pathetic. I think the Wildcats were too busy ogling Ashley Judd on the Jumbotron to know they were down by a hundred and fifty with three minutes to go. Lord knows she's easier on the eyes than Kentucky's ridiculous shooting. What were they, 3 for 65 from three?

Haggis's junior high girl's team shot the rock better than that. I thought Ray Charles was dead. Who knew Stevie Wonder was coming off the bench for the Wildcats?

Don't laugh, Mountaineers. You were every bit as sorry. I think they hit a healthy 45% from the free throw line. Wow. Very impressive...if your name is Ted Williams and the .450 is your batting average. For a major college basketball team, it was the saddest thing I've seen since "Brian's Song".

It was like watching Helen Keller play HORSE with Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies. They couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat.

How bad was it?

Somebody hung a pinata from the scoreboard and they didn't bother with a blind fold. Nobody could hit that either. The candy is still safely tucked inside Spongebob's paper mache Squarepants.

It didn't get any better after the game. WVU climbed up the step ladder to cut down the nets, and they missed those too.

****Editor's Note
I thought for a moment about including a Bob Huggins DUI joke here, but decided that it would be in poor taste. And too easy a target. Some bulls eyes are so full of holes that you feel little or no satisfaction when hitting them.

The upshot of all this is that with Kentucky going "the way of the One Seed", Becket should have wrapped up his championship tonight (I wonder what he would have shot from three in that game. I'll bet even money it would be better than 4 for 37 or whatever UK was).

But an alert reader will not the "Should have" in that last sentence. I missed a possible contender this morning. Beckett's Mamma can still catch him under the following conditions. Duke has to beat Baylor, and then win it all. If that happens, I think she'll get him by 8 or 10. Otherwise, we'll all be quoting Marv from "Home Alone".

"I think we been scammed by a kindy-gartner."

Who wants to watch Uncle C console his wife or his son when somebody loses those red box rentals? If Beckett wins, ten nights of "Bob the Builder" might be in his future. I bet I know who he'll be cheering for tommorrow!

Have a good Sunday!.

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