Monday, March 29, 2010

Jesus and the Blond Man

I have a really funny story to tell that happened yesterday, but I have sworn not to post it until Puzilla gives me permission. It is highly entertaining, but when the Boss told me the story, the first words out of Puzilla's mouth were, "Dad, please don't post this on your blog!"

So I told her that I wouldn't, but since it is so hilarious and classic Puzilla/funny, I asked her to think about it and tell me when I can post it. In the mean time, I'll entertain you with a couple of similar moments from Destroying Angel Lore that are common knowledge in the family, but have yet to be recorded in Blog post form.

A few years ago, when Moe was 3 or 4, she had a series of terrific stories when she would come home from Primary (for the uninitiated, Primary is Mormon Sunday School for small children). Some we heard from her directly and others came from her teachers. Of those that came from the teachers, our favorite is this:

Primary teacher: "Your daughter Moe said something very funny today. We were talking about happy families and what they do for fun. I said that parents often go on dates together to have fun. Moe raised her hand and said 'My parents don't date, they hate each other.'"

Me: "Wow".

Boss: "Where'd she come up with that one?"

Teacher: "But you guys seem so...(Laugh)...happy...(snicker-giggle-chuckle)".

And from those that Moe told us herself we have:

"Ramona and the Paper Plates"

Me: "What did you learn today, Moe?"

Moe: "We learned about Ramona and the paper plates."

Me (Growing curious): "What's that one about?"

Moe: "There was this guy Ramona who burried some paper plates in the ground."

What she meant:
She was trying to retell the story of how the last Prophet to write on the Golden Plates (that would later be translated into the Book of Mormon)took the record that his father Mormon had abridged, and buried it for safe keeping. The Prophet's name was Moroni, not Ramona, and the plates were gold, not paper.

And lastly (for now) and my personal favorite (for obvious reasons)...

Boss: "So what did you learn about in Primary today, Moe?"

Moe: "There was this guy in the bible, and he was blond, and he went to Jesus and Jesus spit into the dirt and made some mud and rubbed it on the blond man's eyes, and then the Blond man could see and he was happy."

Me: "Are you sure it wasn't Jesus and the blind man?"

Moe: "No, Daddy. He was blond. But he couldn't see."

Me(thinking that it's time to start writing this stuff down). "Gotcha."

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