The Boss was up at four this morning to get to work by five. Being the loving and kind husband that I am, I rolled over and went back to sleep for her. Which was fine for about an hour or so. Then Peff woke me up.
"Haggis says there are monsters under the bed."
"Well, Haggis is full of it."
"Really." I said, waking up a little. I have a stock in trade answer for this one that I developed when the girls were toddlers and very concerned about the presence of monsters in their rooms. It worked for them, why not Peff?
"I can personally guarantee that there are no monsters in this house, son. When your mother and I bought it, we paid extra for state of the art monster detection and repellant systems. They are imbeded in the insulation between the walls. No monster could be in this house."
"Yeah, Dad, I know. I looked and there was nothing under there."
"I'm thrilled my money was well spent, though I'm beyond curious as to why you are waking me up at the 'plumber's crack of dawn' to tell me there are no monsters in the house. Go back to sleep."
"Um, Dad?"
"How do you turn the monster alarm off? I wanna see one."
And that, my friends... is one more example of the differences between boys and girls.
I reviewed my "Manly Manual" just now and sure as heck; Age (6), section (2), subheading (a) reads:
"Monsters are the end all-be all of cool. You gotta see one."
Guess it's time to dust off that "Gremlins" DVD, huh?
"Deagle, Deagle, Deagle...."
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