Just spent a few minutes cranking out the greatest lunch menu ever! Macaroni and Cheese with Kool-aide. It is very hard to top because it's cheaper than water and what kid won't eat Mac-n'-cheese?
But since I am a curious fellow and I like to experiment on my monkeys, I try to mix it up a little now and then. It's hard to mess up the classics and the more variety you can toss at 'em, the less bored they'll get with the cheap stuff.
Last week, I tried leftover breakfast bacon in the Mac and Cheese. I liked it; the kids thought it was poison. But today?
Today, I am a genius.
Macaroni and cheese mixed with Cheetos!! Don't ask me where I come up with this stuff, its like...a gift...or something. Why hasn't anyone ever thought to mix mac and cheese with Cheetos before? It's a perfect fit. They both use the same cheese like powdered substance for "flavor", so it's like adding extra cheese to the mac; plus, you get a little crunch for your munch. It's win-win!!
The kids loved it! Especially Squizzle, who seems to think it is better as war paint.
We had more red vines for dessert, as shown by Bub.
Sorry, Beak.
Kinda gives new meaning to the old saw about "eat it today, wear it tomorrow", don't it?
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