Friday, April 9, 2010

Cubs Win, Cubs Win, Hooooly Cow! The Cubs Win!

I should have known last night that everything was going to be on it's head this morning. My hint came when the Cubbies actually held on to a two run lead; even though they walked the tying run in the bottom of the ninth. I would have bet all I had that some Brave or another was going to put one into orbit, but it didn't happen. So the Cubbies are off the schnide. Wheee!!

Unfortunately the karmic retribution has been brutal this morning. You know it's going to be scary when the first few sentences you hear from your children contain the following Phrases:

"No Toilet diving, Squizzle!"

"Squizzle, get out of the trash can!"

and my personal favorite,

"Dad! There's a yellow puddle on the kitchen floor and I don't think it's lemonade because Squizzle doesn't have a bum on again."


That last one was courtesy of Moe who came upstairs to make lunches and found her brother had removed his pajama pants and his diaper. Again.

I'm seriously considering breaking out the duct tape.

We switched diaper brands a few weeks ago. I admit it; it was entirely a cost cutting move. I cheaped out and got the least expensive stuff at the store. It has not been worth it.

On the rare occasion that the boy leaves them on long enough to do their job, they leak. Every time. Plastic crib sheets have been a must. The money I saved on the diapers I have wound up spending on laundry detergent. Plus I'm gonna have to get some duct tape to whip up some Squizzle belts.

And now....I gotta go mop the kitchen.

Again. It's going to be a long morning.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing they won so you have a happy place to go to while mopping up the floor! -Jen
