Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday William Wordsworth!

I cannot let today pass without commenting on the 240th anniversary of William Wordsworth's birth. I was just helping Haggis prepare a report on him and happened to notice that it was his birthday today. I sure as heck hope that someone is reading the stuff I write 200 years from now. That would be an impressive feat!

I will not make my mother sad by posting a copy of "We Are Seven" here, but you should google it. It is one of mom's favorite poems, and mine too. It just hits a little closer to the mark than it used to. Wordsworth has always been one of my very favorite poets.

Happy Birthday, Wordsworth.


  1. We are Seven is a poem I memorized and recited in School once long ago.

  2. "The world is too much with us, late and soon...for this, for everything, we are out of tune...

    (my high school exposure to Wordsworth)
