The Boss is home from her inspection and she passed with flying colors! I followed through and made her some cupcakes and further offered proof of my adoration by adding mint to the chocolate cupcakes and the frosting (Blechhh!), which is her favorite.
I'm not going to post the recipe, you can read the box better than I can. I did get some pictures and a few more good lines from the kids.
The best of which are:
Reaggers: "What's inside this egg shell?"
Fatdaddy: (long pause) "Roast Beef"
Reaggers: "Who was on the phone?"
FD: "Aunt M."
R: "Oh, I just love Aunt M. I could hug her and kiss her and love her all day long."
FD: "Please do not throw packages of cake mix at one another."
And my personal favorite:
R: "Can I have a cupcake now?"
FD: "I don't think your momma wants you to eat a chocolate cupcake in your pretty white shirt, but I'll let her decide."
R: "Mom, can I have a cupcake?"
Beak: " I don't know..."
R: "Uncle Fatdaddy said yes."
Can't live with 'em, Can't sell 'em on EBay. What ya gonna do?
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